
What is Whistle­blowing?

We at Team Electric have a professional responsibility to speak up and report corrupt, illegal or other undesirable conduct and take required actions after such conduct is discovered. This is referred to as Whistle­blowing.

Team Electric strongly encourages you to speak up if you suspect or witness such behaviour, activities or conduct. Team Electric provides you with an effective, objective, confidential and secure reporting channel, Whistle­blowing Channel, allowing you to openly and safely express your concerns. Team Electric will take all reports seriously and will protect you, including not disclosing your identity and ensuring you are not subject to any retaliation.

The Whistle­blowing Channel is available to you 24/7 at the following Link. The technical solution is provided by Lantero AB

This compass page summarizes the main elements of our Whistle­blowing Channel and the related Team Electric’s full version of Whistle­blowing Policy. In case you wish to file a whistle­blowing report, please read carefully our full Whistle­blowing Policy prior to filing your report.

What should you report through Whistle­blowing Channel?

The Whistle­blowing Channel can be used to report breaches related to issues such as corruption, including offering or accepting bribes, money laundering, breaches of privacy regulations and many other types of matters relating to breaches of law or Team Electric’s Code of Conduct.

Whistle­blowing Channel is only a secondary alternative for reporting your own employment or daily work related matters. Such matters should primarily be reported to your own supervisor.

Who can file a Whistle­blowing report?

You can file a report related to Team Electric if, within your work or within work-related context and while being for instance in a position of an employee (current or former), subcontractor or material supplier (incl. their employees), job applicant or trainee, you have acquired information on conduct that may constitute a breach, neglect or omission of a law, regulation or Team Electric’s Code of Conduct.

How is your Whistle­blowing report processed?

In order to ensure objective handling of your report and to avoid your report being reviewed by a person somehow connected to the reported breach, Whistle­blowing Channel is operated by an external law firm, HH Partners, Attorneys-at-Law Ltd. All reports are initially investigated by them and then credible reports are delivered to persons at Team Electric who are best suited to address the reported issue – all the way to the upper management, if necessary. The actual investigation and other actions possibly resulting from your report will be undertaken by Team Electric.

Can you use Whistle­blowing Channel anonymously?

Whistle­blowing Channel provides you the following three alternative means for handling your identity:

  • You can choose to remain fully anonymous and provide no contact details; or
  • You can provide just an e‑mail address; or
  • You can choose to disclose your identity.

Please note that if you provide only your email address without choosing to otherwise disclose your identity, your email address is not disclosed to Team Electric or to those receiving and handling your report. Your email address is solely used by the Whistle­blower Channel to unanimously transmit messages between you and the person handling your report. To allow handlers of your reports to ask questions and clarifications via the platform, Team Electric recommends providing your e‑mail address when filing your report.

Disclosing your identity is never mandatory, but it can allow for more effective investigation and intervening with the reported matter. Even if you choose to disclose your identity, your report delivered through the Whistle­blowing Channel is handled confidentially. Team Electric has the responsibility to protect your identity and the identity of any third party possibly mentioned in your report.

What protection is given to you as a whistle­blower?

In order to ensure that using the Whistle­blowing Channel is safe for you, Team Electric will provide you with the following protection concerning your report, as long as you have primarily used Team Electric’s Whistleblowing Channel to file your report and as long as you have reasonable grounds to believe your report is true when filing it:

  • Your identity is not disclosed to Team Electric, unless you have chosen to disclose it;
  • You will not be retaliated against as a consequence of filing the report through means such as threats, warnings or termination of your employment;
  • If you were retaliated against despite of the above, you would be eligible for special compensation for such retaliation; and
  • You will receive civil, criminal and administrative liability protection as decreed in law.

If the reported issue is covered by and you are eligible whistleblower under the Whistleblowing legislation, you are entitled to even broader protection in accordance with the Whistleblowing legislation.

If you deliberately file a false report, you will not receive the above protection.

The Whistleblowing Channel is subject to data protection legislation. Please see Team Electric’s Privacy Notice for Whistleblowing Channel